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  • gh0xttherebel


So, it’s already been a full three weeks since the global pandemic and it has opened my eyes to see how serious this is. I really couldn’t remember the last time there was a recession or some sort of crisis going on other than the one in 2009. But at the same time, I don’t remember being affected since I had just started working full-time. Regardless, this is a very serious time that’s up in the air at this point. The lockdown got extended until the end of April; but luckily, I am one of those fortunate or should I say “essential workers” that still must work. I believe I’m about to be on a rotating schedule, but it’s giving me a unique perspective to everything that’s going on. For the bulk of the people that must stay at home due to them not having a job to go to due to social distancing, they are experiencing great waves of sadness and I really feel for them. On my side, my perspective is that I still have to come in to work when I actually would rather be at home to have creative explosions. Maybe with his rotating schedule I could have that happen, but it’s tough right now. I am excited for things to come, but this pandemic needs to end sooner than later.

Some of my closest friends have been affected by this pandemic. Mikey and Chris’s aunt passed away due to it and other as well leaving an impression on me that this is very VERY serious. I mean, it was serious before, but with those events happening…it really hit. Luckily they were able to make a cover of “It’s The End of the World as We Know It“, which turned out to be a really cool Islander spin to the song. It’s their first cover and I’m really proud that they put that together amidst everything that’s happening. It really does fit with current events though so I hope they can really get some exposure because of it.

The world is definitely different from this pandemic and it really can’t return a “back to normal“ like everyone thinks it would be. Things like this influence exponential change. It’s kind of like a natural selection type of ordeal in my eyes. We can’t just go back to normal after this whole thing is over with. People are taking their hygiene very VERY seriously and our eyes have been opened to the lack of preparedness for something like this to happen. We need to get better and we need to help each other out as much as we can; Otherwise this is going to continue to happen and I’ll be damned if that’s going to be the case.

Stay safe everyone. Take care of your bodies, but most importantly, your minds!

  • gh0xt

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